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School Life:9. To Borrow It from the Library 学校生活:9.从图书馆借书


A: I have a book report. B: What book are you doing it on? A: I have to read To Kill a Mockingbird. B: That is an excellent book. A: That is good to know. B: Do you have the book yet? A: I am planning to get it soon. B: You should borrow it from the library. A: What is the library? B: You have never heard of the library? A: I have never heard of it. B: At the library, you can borrow books for free.

上一篇: School Life:8. Doing the Right Thing 学校生活:8.做正确的事
下一篇: School Life:10. Suspension 学校生活:10.停学