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Daily Life:9. The Phone Bill 日常生活:9.电话费


A: You didn't answer your phone last night. B: The phone company cut my wireless. A: Why? Did you pay your phone bills? B: I refused to pay the last one. A: Why didn't you want to pay it? B: It was much too high! A: Did you make many long-distance calls? B: I thought it was free to call others' cell phones. A: Only if they're from the same provider. B: Oops. Then it was my fault. A: You'd better call the company and apologize for this mess. B: Can I use your phone? Mine is still dead.

上一篇: Daily Life:8. A Community Tree 日常生活:8.社区树
下一篇: Daily Life:10. Like James Bond 日常生活:10.像詹姆斯·邦德