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Daily Life:10. Like James Bond 日常生活:10.像詹姆斯·邦德


A: Did you watch that show on TV last night? B: Do you mean the one about the zombies? A: Yes! Isn't it a great show? B: I didn't watch the whole episode. A: Why not? Didn't you like it? B: I did, but my son didn't. A: He is too young to be watching that show! B: I know. I didn't mean to let him watch it. A: How did he see it, then? B: He snuck into the living-room after his bedtime. A: Children are so crafty in getting what they want. B: Tell me about it. My son is like James Bond!

上一篇: Daily Life:9. The Phone Bill 日常生活:9.电话费
下一篇: Daily Life:11. Rain Gods 日常生活:11.雨神