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Daily Life:11. Rain Gods 日常生活:11.雨神


A: It's been very sunny lately, hasn't it? B: Yes, it has. Some rain would be very nice. A: I don't think it will rain for quite some time. B: Maybe we can do a rain dance and summon rain. A: Do you really believe in that? B: No, but who knows, maybe it does work. A: I don't see how dancing around would bring rain. B: Well, it would be pretty funny-looking. A: The rain gods would laugh at us. B: Maybe they'll laugh so hard they'll cry. A: I don't think I want tears as rain! B: Me neither. I suddenly don't mind the sunny weather.

上一篇: Daily Life:10. Like James Bond 日常生活:10.像詹姆斯·邦德
下一篇: Daily Life:12. A New Phone 日常生活:12.一部新手机