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Daily Life:12. A New Phone 日常生活:12.一部新手机


A: Can I have your phone number? B: What do you want it for? A: I got a new phone and all my contacts were deleted. B: You never called me, anyway. A: What if there's an emergency? B: You won't need me in an emergency. A: Why don't you want to give me your number? B: I don't like giving my phone number to people. A: Alright, can I have your email address? B: Quit trying to stalk me! A: I was only trying to be friendly! B: Well, stop trying. You're not getting my email, either.

上一篇: Daily Life:11. Rain Gods 日常生活:11.雨神
下一篇: Daily Life:13. Pets 日常生活:13.宠物