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Eating Out:13. A Far Trip for Food 外出就餐:食物远行


A: Do you want to eat something really good? B: Yeah, of course. A: There's this incredible Italian restaurant. B: Okay, let's go now. A: We'll get there in 4 hours. B: Are you joking? A: The restaurant is in Las Vegas, Nevada. B: We're not going all the way there for food. A: Why not? It will be fun! B: There are a lot of Italian restaurants here. A: But they are not as good. B: Fine, we can go tomorrow.

上一篇: Eating Out:12. Breakfast for Dinner 外出就餐:晚餐吃早餐
下一篇: Eating Out:14. An Expensive Bill 外出就餐:昂贵的账单