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Eating Out:14. An Expensive Bill 外出就餐:昂贵的账单


A: Excuse me, miss! B: Yes, what can I do for you? A: This bill is incorrect. B: It is indeed correct. A: I thought this plate of noodles was $10. B: You misread it. It is $100, not $10. A: Why is it so expensive? B: There are rare ingredients in it. A: What exactly are these "rare ingredients?" B: Caviar, lobster, and a special type of mushroom. A: I am not paying for this. B: You already ate it, so you must pay for it.

上一篇: Eating Out:13. A Far Trip for Food 外出就餐:食物远行
下一篇: Eating Out:15. Chopsticks 外出就餐:筷子