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Eating Out:17. To Tip or Not to Tip 外出就餐:给小费还是不给小费


A: That was a delicious dinner! B: The waitress was bad though. A: Don't be mean. B: She dropped soup on my dress! A: She did not drop it on purpose. B: She also took forever to bring out the food. A: Maybe she is a new employee. B: I am not giving her a tip. A: Oh, come on! At least give her a small one. B: I am not even going to put a penny. A: Fine, I'll put a tip. B: You are way too nice.

上一篇: Eating Out:16. The Beauty of Buffets 外出就餐:自助餐之美
下一篇: Eating Out:18. Give Him a Good Tip 外出就餐:给他一个好的小费