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Eating Out:18. Give Him a Good Tip 外出就餐:给他一个好的小费


A: What did you think about the waiter? B: He was nice. A: We should give him a 40% tip. B: That's too much. A: You said he was nice! B: He was nice, but he wasn't excellent. A: Can we at least give him a 35% tip? B: Why do you want to tip this guy so well? A: He is my friend from school. B: Oh, I see. A: He's the only one who works in his family. B: Fine, we will give him a good tip.

上一篇: Eating Out:17. To Tip or Not to Tip 外出就餐:给小费还是不给小费
下一篇: Eating Out:19. Weird Water 外出就餐:奇怪的水