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Eating Out:19. Weird Water 外出就餐:奇怪的水


A: Is it me or does this water taste weird? B: It tastes weird. A: I'm glad it's not just me. B: It tastes sweet. A: I think the staff didn't wash the glasses. B: The customers before us probably ordered soda. A: That's why it's so sweet! B: Yeah, it's water mixed with soda. A: We are drinking someone's saliva. Gross! B: We should complain! A: We should ask for a free drink. B: I agree with you.

上一篇: Eating Out:18. Give Him a Good Tip 外出就餐:给他一个好的小费
下一篇: Eating Out:20. The Faithful Customer 外出就餐:忠实的客户