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Eating Out:20. The Faithful Customer 外出就餐:忠实的客户


A: Hi sir. I have seen you a lot. B: I come to this restaurant twice a week. A: May I ask why? B: I really like the food and the environment here. A: I'm pleased to hear that. B: Anytime, anyways, I'll have my usual order. A: Don't you ever want to try something new? B: No, I really like the ham sandwich. A: I recommend the omelette. B: I'll try it if you give me a discount. A: Because you're a faithful customer, I will. B: Thanks for the good service.

上一篇: Eating Out:19. Weird Water 外出就餐:奇怪的水
下一篇: Eating Out:21. Food at 1 A.M. 外出就餐:凌晨1点的食物。