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Dating:5. Paying the Restaurant Bill 约会:支付餐厅账单


A: I'll pay the restaurant bill. B: No, I'll pay. A: You always pay. I'll do it this time. B: I'm the guy, so I am supposed to pay. A: That is sexist! B: Are you really complaining about someone paying for you? A: Yes, because you're being sexist! B: Just let me pay. A: How about you pay half, and I'll pay half. B: Only friends do that. We're a couple. A: Not anymore! I'm breaking up with you. B: You can pay then!

上一篇: Dating:4. A Forgotten Anniversary 约会:被遗忘的周年纪念日
下一篇: Dating:6. Stood Up 约会:站起来