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Shopping:3. A Woman's Eye 购物:3.女人的眼睛


A: Excuse me, I'd like your opinion on something. B: Of course, sir. How may I help you? A: I want to buy my wife a new scarf. B: That is very thoughtful of you! A: Her favorite color is blue, so I chose blue scarves. B: What do you need me to do? A: Well, I was wondering which scarf was the prettiest. B: I see. Well, this one seems a little too dark. A: What about this one? B: Maybe something with a nicer pattern. A: Is this one alright? B: That one is perfect! I'm sure she'll love it.

上一篇: Shopping:2. A Salesperson 购物:2.销售人员
下一篇: Shopping:4. Choosing Flowers 购物:4.选花