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Health:7. Emergency: Concussion 健康:7.紧急情况:脑震荡


A: Hello, 911? I need an ambulance. B: What's the situation? A: My friend fell off her bike and hit her head. B: Is she unconscious? A: No, but she is bleeding a lot. B: Please tell me your location. A: We are near the community college. B: Please don't let her stand. Do you have her ID? A: Yes. I also found her insurance card. B: Good, you will need those at the hospital. A: She is beginning to feel less dizzy. B: Good, just sit tight, the ambulance will be there soon.

上一篇: Health:6. Emergency: Swallowed Coin 健康:6.紧急情况:吞下一枚硬币
下一篇: Health:8. Eating Doughnuts 健康:8.吃甜甜圈