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Health:8. Eating Doughnuts 健康:8.吃甜甜圈


A: Hey, what's that you're eating? B: It's steamed rice cake. My grandma made it. A: Does it taste good? B: It's delicious! I think it's my favorite dessert. A: I think I'll stick to jelly doughnuts. Do you want one? B: No thanks. If you eat too many of those, you'll get fat! A: All pastries make you fat. B: That's true, but the ones with sugar are the worst. A: Sugar makes them taste good! B: Try this rice cake. It has very little sugar. A: I guess that is pretty good! B: It is! And it's healthier than doughnuts, too!

上一篇: Health:7. Emergency: Concussion 健康:7.紧急情况:脑震荡
下一篇: Health:9. Too Much Coffee 健康:9.咖啡太多