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Health:20. Blurry Vision 健康:20.视力模糊


A: Can I borrow your class notes? B: Sure, but didn't you take any down? A: I couldn't really see the board. B: Do you sit too far away? A: I think I just need new glasses. B: You should be careful. It could be serious. A: What do you mean? B: You could have a concussion. A: Or worms could be eating my eyes. B: Maybe you're a robot and your batteries are dying! A: I'm pretty sure I just need new glasses. B: Even so, you should probably buy some batteries.

上一篇: Health:19. Sprained Ankle 健康:19.扭伤脚踝
下一篇: Health:21. Healthy Snacks 健康:21.健康零食