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Health:21. Healthy Snacks 健康:21.健康零食


A: Your son is so healthy! B: He is already very concerned with fitness. A: That is so wonderful! B: He likes to eat healthy and exercise every day. A: My son likes chocolate and video games. B: That is not good for him at all! A: I don't know what to do with him. B: Make him some fun snacks for school. A: I gave him carrot sticks once. B: That's a good snack! A: Later he admitted that he gave them to the school rabbit. B: Well, at least the rabbit eats its vegetables.

上一篇: Health:20. Blurry Vision 健康:20.视力模糊
下一篇: Health:22. A Good Chiropractor 健康:22.一个好的脊医