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Safety:6. Peeling Potatoes 安全:6.削土豆皮


A: Be careful how you peel those potatoes! B: What's so hard about peeling potatoes? A: You're holding the knife wrong. B: What do you mean? A: When you pull the knife towards you, it's easy to cut yourself. B: How should I peel them, then? A: Face the blade away from you. B: This feels a lot easier! A: It's harder to cut yourself. B: Could I have gotten very hurt? A: Well, it would have hurt quite a bit. B: I won't be so careless next time.

上一篇: Safety:5. Self Defense 安全:5.自卫
下一篇: Safety:7. Sleeping with Cell Phones 安全:7.使用手机睡觉