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Safety:7. Sleeping with Cell Phones 安全:7.使用手机睡觉


A: I saw a scary article online today. B: What was it about? A: It was about people sleeping with their cell phones. B: I do that sometimes. A: Why do you want to do that? B: It's easier to hear the alarm that way. A: Make sure your phone doesn't overheat. B: What do you mean? A: In the article, the phones heated up and exploded! B: What happened to the owners? A: They got hurt sometimes. You should be more careful. B: I will! I'll leave it on my night table from now on.

上一篇: Safety:6. Peeling Potatoes 安全:6.削土豆皮
下一篇: Safety:8. ATM 安全:8.ATM