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Safety:8. ATM 安全:8.ATM


A: Don't be too distracted at the ATM. B: I was just checking a text message. A: People could see your account information. B: I don't think that can happen. A: If they're watching, they can also learn your PIN number. B: I suppose you're right about that. A: Just be attentive for a few minutes. B: I'd rather miss a text than have money stolen from me. A: Exactly. Make sure you finish the transaction, too. B: Thanks for all of the advice. A: No problem. B: You're a really good friend.

上一篇: Safety:7. Sleeping with Cell Phones 安全:7.使用手机睡觉
下一篇: Safety:9. Texting While Driving 安全:9.开车时发短信