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Safety:9. Texting While Driving 安全:9.开车时发短信


A: Don't read that text message now! B: Why not? We're in the middle of traffic. A: It doesn't matter, but it is against the law. B: No one will see me do it. A: If you get used to it, you may casually check it later. B: I'm sure nothing will happen if I do that. A: One day, you may check it at the wrong time. B: Stop saying things like that. A: I'm just trying to make you see the danger in it. B: What should I do, then? It's an important message. A: Give me your phone and I'll read it to you. B: They should make a car app to read your text messages.

上一篇: Safety:8. ATM 安全:8.ATM
下一篇: Safety:10. Police Officers 安全:10.警官