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Safety:16. Pool Toys1. Helmets 安全:16.泳池玩具1.头盔


A: You can't take pool toys into the ocean. B: Why not? I want to drift in the water. A: They're dangerous. B: How is it dangerous just to float there? A: The waves could flip you over. B: I know how to swim. A: If the tide is strong, it could pull you out to sea. B: That sounds scary. A: It is. It'd be difficult to pull you back. B: I understand. I'll leave the pool toys in my car. A: That's a good idea. B: Thank you for the explanations.

上一篇: Safety:15. Pit-bull Ban 安全:15.比特牛禁令
下一篇: Safety:17. Just In Case 安全:17.以防万一