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Safety:17. Just In Case 安全:17.以防万一


A: Why are you bringing a map? B: I don't want to get lost on our hike. A: We won't. I have a GPS. B: There's not always signal in the mountains. A: Maps aren't as accurate as GPS. B: We don't always have to use the map. A: Why bring it, then? B: Like I said, it's just a safety tool. A: I think it's just more weight in your backpack. B: Better safe than sorry. A: I can't argue with that. Let's get going. B: Lead the way!

上一篇: Safety:16. Pool Toys1. Helmets 安全:16.泳池玩具1.头盔
下一篇: Safety:18. Taser 安全:18.泰瑟枪