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Voting:3. School Election 投票:3.学校选举


A: Have you voted for the class representative? B: No, I'm not sure who to choose! A: The first candidate says he will save the school money. B: The second says he will arrange more school trips. A: It sounds like one saves and one spends. B: They both have similar policies on tardiness. A: They also talk about caring for the student body. B: I heard that the first candidate got detention once, though. A: What did he get the detention for? B: He didn't turn in his assignments. A: I don't want such a careless representative. B: Me neither.

上一篇: Voting:2. The Great Divide 投票:2.大鸿沟
下一篇: Voting:4. Losing Stereotypes 投票:4.失去刻板印象