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Voting:6. Obamacare 投票:6.奥巴马医改


A: My university is passing out fliers for health insurance. B: Mine, too. If I don't choose, I'll get Obamacare. A: What's Obamacare? B: It's the new healthcare provided by the Affordable Healthcare Act. A: What does it promise? B: It just regulates health insurance so that it's affordable for everyone. A: That sounds like a great step forward! B: I think Obama is really keeping his promises. A: I wish there were more changes to the education system. B: Most of the acts passed were to help immigrant students. A: It's a shame they fight so hard for underfunded education. B: It's a bit of a letdown for everybody.

上一篇: Voting:5. Freedom of Choice 投票:5.选择自由
下一篇: Voting:7. Rock the Vote 投票:7.赢得选票