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Voting:7. Rock the Vote 投票:7.赢得选票


A: They're really trying hard to get teenagers to vote! B: I love the commercials on television about it! A: You mean the ones with the famous TV stars? B: Yes, and the singers, too! A: They're all done by the Rock the Vote organization. B: It's a really good marketing idea. A: It makes me want to vote! B: And it's good to show how important voting really is. A: They should make those commercials for policies, too. B: They'd be better than those misleading commercials. A: I agree. It seems like all those commercials tell lies. B: Maybe I'll volunteer with Rock the Vote someday!

上一篇: Voting:6. Obamacare 投票:6.奥巴马医改
下一篇: Voting:8. Voter ID 投票:8.选民ID