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Entertainment:3. I Have Four Aces 娱乐:3.我有四张王牌


A: I'm a good card player. B: Why is that? A: Because I watch the other players. B: What do you mean? A: People will tell you if they have a good hand. B: How do they do that? A: For example, a friend of mine licks his lips. B: When he licks his lips, you know he has a good hand? A: I know he has a good hand, so I don't bet. B: He never wins your money? A: Nope, and it drives him crazy. B: He knows you can't read his mind. Maybe he thinks you're cheating.

上一篇: Entertainment:2. A Card Game 娱乐:2.纸牌游戏
下一篇: Entertainment:4. Too Much Volume 娱乐:4.音量过大