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Entertainment:4. Too Much Volume 娱乐:4.音量过大


A: Turn the radio down, please. B: But I'm listening to it. A: Well, listen to it more quietly. B: I can't wait till I grow up. A: What will you do? B: I will play the radio as loud as I want. A: That's okay with me. B: I will have a radio in every room of my house. A: Remind me to never visit you. B: All the radios will be on extra loud. A: Your neighbors will hate you. B: If they don't like it, they can move.

上一篇: Entertainment:3. I Have Four Aces 娱乐:3.我有四张王牌
下一篇: Entertainment:5. Don't Waste Your Money 娱乐:5.不要浪费你的钱