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Food:2. We Get Cheese from Cows 食物:2.我们从奶牛那里得到奶酪


A: I love cheese. B: Me too. A: Where does cheese come from? B: It comes from cows. A: So we get cheese from cows, and we get milk, too? B: Yes, we do. A: What else do we get from cows? B: We get hamburgers and steak. A: Oh, that's so delicious. B: We also get leather. A: We get a lot of things from cows, don't we? B: Yes. A cow is man's best friend.

上一篇: Food:1. A Good Salad 食物:1.好的沙拉
下一篇: Food:3. I Used to Work in a Deli 食物:3.我以前在熟食店工作