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Voting:6. A Traveling Man 投票:6.一个旅行的人


A: Did you read this article? B: What article? A: It says the mayor spends only 11 percent of his time on city duties. B: Only 11 percent? A: About 50 percent of the time he's traveling. B: Where does he travel to? A: Oh, all over the world. B: But he's supposed to be making our city a better place. A: He's visiting other cities to get ideas. B: Can't he just go online? A: The rest of the time he's raising money for his reelection. B: Well, he'll never get reelected once this news gets out.

上一篇: Voting:5. A Powerful Position 投票:5.强大的职位
下一篇: Voting:7. Vote for Ralph 投票:7.投票给拉尔夫