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Voting:7. Vote for Ralph 投票:7.投票给拉尔夫


A: Who did you vote for for president? B: I voted for Ralph Nader. A: Who in the world is Ralph Nader? B: He's the best man for president. A: Why's that? B: He hates corporations. A: Well, most corporations do think only about money. B: He hates Democrats and Republicans. A: Well, they do put their party before their country. B: He's the only candidate that I trust. A: But he didn't have a chance. Nobody voted for him! B: Sooner or later, voters will wake up.

上一篇: Voting:6. A Traveling Man 投票:6.一个旅行的人
下一篇: Voting:8. Why Vote? 投票:8.为什么要投票?