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Everyday Life:6. Asking for Credit 日常生活:6.要求信用


A: Hello, is this the Smith residence? A: Hello, how can I help you today? B: I am very upset with the quality of your service. A: I'm sorry, what seems to be the problem? B: My Internet service did not work for three days. A: My records say a technician visited your area yesterday? B: Yes, he installed a new modem. A: Did it solve the problem? B: Yes, but I was overcharged for Internet service. A: Sorry about that. I'll give you credit for the three days. B: I was sold a wireless service unavailable in my area. A: I see it here; we charged you $5 extra a month. B: Yes. Kindly return my money, please.

上一篇: Everyday Life:5. Reporting a Service Problem 日常生活:5.报告服务问题
下一篇: Everyday Life:7. Troubleshooting a Computer Problem 日常生活:7.解决计算机问题