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Everyday Life:10. Paying for the Service 日常生活:10.付费服务


A: I love my new hairstyle! B: Beauty takes work! A: And this is your best work yet! B: Thank you, I'm glad you're satisfied! A: How much do I owe you? B: Well, there was the haircut, and you also got the highlights. A: Not to mention the lowlights. B: That'll be $45. A: Prices have sure gone up over time! B: Yes, but beauty is worth it! A: When I look this good, I guess you're right. B: Thank you for letting me cut your hair.

上一篇: Everyday Life:9. Making Requests 日常生活:9.提出要求
下一篇: Everyday Life:11. Making a Complaint 日常生活:11.抱怨