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Everyday Life:18. An Angry Parent 日常生活:18.愤怒的父母


A: You need to try harder in school! B: I am doing well in school. A: Then why are your marks in science so low? B: I don't understand science, that's all. A: Is that the same reasoning you have for math? B: Yes, and English, too. A: Tell me one single subject you're doing well in. B: Well, I'm doing wonderfully in my music class. A: What about history? B: Only the parts about Woodstock. A: That's it! You're grounded! No guitar for a month. B: Great, now I'll surely have a low GPA.

上一篇: Everyday Life:17. Meeting Teacher at School 生活的每一天:17.在学校遇见老师
下一篇: Everyday Life:19. Time for Bed 日常生活:19.该睡觉了