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Everyday Life:19. Time for Bed 日常生活:19.该睡觉了


A: Hello, is this the Smith residence? A: Children, it's time to go to bed! B: But we're not sleepy yet! A: If you get into bed right now, I'll read you a fairytale. B: One with a princess and a prince? A: Of course, and a magical dragon, too. B: Why do we hear fairytales before bed? A: So that the magic from stories can grow while you're sleeping. B: What does it grow into? A: Why, magical dreams, of course! B: Please read us two tonight! A: Alright, but only if you sleep as soon as I'm done! B: We will. It's a promise!

上一篇: Everyday Life:18. An Angry Parent 日常生活:18.愤怒的父母
下一篇: Everyday Life:20. Cleaning up the Room 日常生活:20.打扫房间