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Everyday Life:20. Cleaning up the Room 日常生活:20.打扫房间


A: Hello, is this the Smith residence? A: David! Clean your room. It's filthy! B: It's not so bad, mom. A: I don't even remember what color the carpet is! B: It's blue, I remember. A: Have you no shame? B: What should I be ashamed of? A: There are clothes all over the ground! B: It's just easier to leave them there. A: Your floor is not a gigantic closet. B: I never said it was. A: Clean your room or you can't go out today. B: Fine, fine. I'll clean it now.

上一篇: Everyday Life:19. Time for Bed 日常生活:19.该睡觉了
下一篇: Everyday Life:21. Caring for Puppies 日常生活:21.照顾小狗