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College Life:8. Turning Homework in Late 大学生活:8.迟交作业


A: May I turn in my homework tomorrow? B: It's due today. A: I know, but I don't have it right now. B: How come? Your dog ate it? A: No! I left it at home. B: I can't take your word for it. A: Why not? I'm an A+ student. B: How do I know if you even did the homework? A: I'll ask my mom to take a picture of it and send it to me. B: That's fair enough. A: Thanks. Also, you should try trusting students more. We're not all that bad. B: I'll try, but I can't promise anything.

上一篇: College Life:7. A Busy Professor 大学生活:7.忙碌的教授
下一篇: College Life:9. An Honest Student 大学生活:9.诚实的学生