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College Life:7. A Busy Professor 大学生活:7.忙碌的教授


A: Hey, Professor Hill. B: What is it? A: I've been having trouble with derivatives. B: That's not good. There's a test on derivatives next week. A: I know. Can I make an appointment with you for some help? B: I'm a busy man. A: You didn't even check your schedule yet! B: I know I'm busy, because many people already made appointments. A: So I'm hopeless? B: Of course not! There's the tutoring center. A: But the tutors are not professors. They're just students. B: They might surprise you.

上一篇: College Life:6. Professor Hernandez 大学生活:6.赫尔南德斯教授
下一篇: College Life:8. Turning Homework in Late 大学生活:8.迟交作业