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At The Library:16. The Library Restroom 图书馆:16.图书馆洗手间


A: Do you have a restroom? B: Only for employees. A: But I really need to go. B: I can't let you go. There's a restroom in the market across from us though. A: That restroom is really dirty. It smells like someone died in there. B: Fine, I'll take you to our restroom. A: Yay! Thank you so much. B: We have to go secretly. If anyone sees you use the restroom, I'll be fired. A: Don't worry. I will be small and quiet as a mouse. B: Okay, good. The password is 595. Go quickly before anyone sees you. A: Thank you for your kindness. B: You owe me if we ever see each other again.

上一篇: At The Library:15. Be Quiet 图书馆:15.安静点
下一篇: At The Library:17. Volunteering at the Library 图书馆:17.在图书馆做志愿者