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Shopping:12. Calling to Reschedule a Time 购物:12.打电话重新安排时间


A: Hello, may I please talk to a store manager? B: Yes. What seems to be the problem? A: I scheduled some furniture to be delivered today. B: Would you like to change the delivery time? A: Yes. Something came up and I won't be home until 3 p.m. B: That is not a problem, sir, I'll fix it. A: Thank you. I was worried it had already been dispatched. B: It's no problem at all. A: Please tell the deliverymen to be aware of my dog. B: Does he bite, sir? A: No, but he may trip someone. B: I'll make sure they're on high alert.

上一篇: Shopping:11. Not Delivered on Time 购物:11.未按时交货
下一篇: Shopping:13. Getting Things Fixed 购物:13.修理东西