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Living In An Apartment:26. Reporting a Problem to the Landlord 住在公寓里:26.向房东报告问题


A: The floor to my apartment is badly damaged. B: I'm sorry to hear that. How bad is it? A: It's practically falling apart. B: Did some kind of accident cause this? A: None that I could've made. I think your previous tenant might have caused this. B: That makes sense. He took poor care of the apartment. A: I could see that myself. B: I'll have that fixed as soon as possible. A: If it's not too much trouble, may I request one more thing? B: Is there anything else wrong in the apartment? A: It's just my bedroom window. I can't seem to get it open. B: I'll have that window taken care of as well.

上一篇: Living In An Apartment:25. Poor Upkeep 住在公寓里:25.保养差
下一篇: Taking The Bus:1. Which Bus to Take (1) 乘公共汽车:1.坐哪辆车(1)