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Living In An Apartment:25. Poor Upkeep 住在公寓里:25.保养差


A: This floor is falling apart. B: How can you tell? A: Are you kidding me? Step over here. B: You're right. The floor to this apartment is badly damaged. A: See, I told you so. B: What did you do that made the floor like this? A: It wasn't me. It was like this when I moved in here. B: You should report this poor upkeep to the landlord. A: You're right. I'll call him the first thing in the morning. B: Be carful not to damage the floor any further. A: I won't. I hope the landlord replaces the floor soon. B: He probably will.

上一篇: Living In An Apartment:24. Plumbing Problems 住在公寓里:24.水管问题
下一篇: Living In An Apartment:26. Reporting a Problem to the Landlord 住在公寓里:26.向房东报告问题