351. RENTING AN APARTMENT: Visiting a Rental Agent (3) 租赁公寓:拜访租赁代理(3)


A: How is everything with you? B: Everything's fine with me. A: What did you need me for today? B: I need to find an apartment. A: I'm sure I can help you find an apartment. B: I would greatly appreciate your help. A: What kind of apartment did you have in mind? B: What's most important is that I get a two bedroom. A: Would you like anything else special? B: That's the most important thing. A: Give me a few days, and I'll call you when I've found something. B: Thank you so much for all your help.

上一篇: 350. RENTING AN APARTMENT: Visiting a Rental Agent (2) 租赁公寓:拜访租赁代理(2)
下一篇: 352. RENTING AN APARTMENT: Discrimination (1) 租房:歧视(1)