352. RENTING AN APARTMENT: Discrimination (1) 租房:歧视(1)


A: Good morning, is this the Renter's Hotline? B: Yes, what can I help you with? A: I have a question about discrimination in housing. B: What type of discrimination? A: I think that he doesn't want to rent to me because of my race. B: What made you think that your race was a problem? A: He seemed OK talking to me on the phone, but seemed to change his mind when he saw me in person. B: What else made you feel he was discriminating against you? A: Well, he had a 25 unit apartment building and everyone I saw there was his same race. B: Racial discrimination is very hard to prove, but if you would like to come down, we can go over a checklist that can help you build a case.

上一篇: 351. RENTING AN APARTMENT: Visiting a Rental Agent (3) 租赁公寓:拜访租赁代理(3)
下一篇: 353. RENTING AN APARTMENT: Discrimination (2) 租房:歧视(2)