424. RENTING AN APARTMENT: Calling the Landlord to Report a Leak (1) 租赁公寓:致电房东报告泄漏(1)


A: I have a problem. B: What's the problem? A: A pipe burst in my ceiling. B: Why do you think that? A: There is water dripping from my ceiling. B: Is it causing a flood in your apartment? A: No, but my carpet is getting wet. B: How long has this water been dripping? A: It only started leaking today. B: I'll have someone come down to fix it right away. A: That's great. B: I apologize for the inconvenience.

上一篇: 423. RENTING AN APARTMENT: Key and Lock Problems (3) 租赁公寓:钥匙和锁问题(3)
下一篇: 425. RENTING AN APARTMENT: Calling the Landlord to Report a Leak (2) 租赁公寓:致电房东报告泄漏(2)