511. DAILY LIFE: Ordering Cable Services (1) 日常生活:订购有线电视服务(1)


A: I would like to order cable. B: Sure, what package do you want? A: What kinds of packages do you offer? B: We have all kinds of movie channel packages. A: What else do you have? B: There is a package for all sports channels. A: Do you have a package that includes all the movie channels with the basic channels also? B: Yes, we do offer that package. A: I want that. B: Do you want anything else? A: No, but is it possible for me to add channels later? B: You can always get rid of channels or add some later.

上一篇: 510. DAILY LIFE: Disputing a Charge (3) 日常生活:争论指控(3)
下一篇: 512. DAILY LIFE: Ordering Cable Services (2) 日常生活:订购有线电视服务(2)