711. SHOPPING: Not Delivered on Time (3) 购物:未按时交付(3)


A: I have an issue. B: What is it? A: I had scheduled a delivery for today. B: So, what is the problem? A: The delivery was four hours late. B: I'm so sorry for them being late. A: I was late for work, because I had to wait up for them. B: I do apologize. A: I would like to be refunded my money for the delivery. B: You will be refunded for the delivery. It'll be no problem. A: I shouldn't have to pay for such horrible service. B: I'll refund you your money right away.

上一篇: 710. SHOPPING: Not Delivered on Time (2) 购物:未按时交付(2)
下一篇: 712. SHOPPING: Returning a Defective Item (1) 购物:退回有缺陷的物品(1)