1119. EMPLOYMENT: Giving an Excuse for Being Late to Work (3) 就业:为上班迟到找借口(3)


A: I lost track of time, am I late? B: Yes. What kept you from arriving on time? A: My friend needed me to help him. B: I realize that everyone has emergencies; just get here on time from now on. A: My apologies. B: I appreciate you saying that and would like you to join us in our meeting. A: Sure, I'll sit right here. B: Wonderful, does anyone have any questions about this project? A: I am confused about the projected revenues. B: I'm glad that some of you get it, but let's go over it once more.

上一篇: 1118. EMPLOYMENT: Giving an Excuse for Being Late to Work (2) 就业:为上班迟到找借口(2)
下一篇: 1120. EMPLOYMENT: Accepting Excuses for Not Meeting Commitments (1) 就业:接受不履行承诺的借口(1)