1131. EMPLOYMENT: Agreement and Disagreement (3) 就业:同意和不同意(3)


A: The Mountains would be a great place for the company retreat. B: That's a wonderful choice. A: I have chosen January as the month for this retreat. B: January is a little too close to the Christmas holidays. A: Yes, maybe another choice might be better. B: I think that April would work. Spring is a lovely time to be in the mountains. A: Thank you for thinking of that. B: Maybe if we asked around we could see what people would prefer. A: That is a good idea. B: I'll take care of taking the survey and get back to you with the answers.

上一篇: 1130. EMPLOYMENT: Agreement and Disagreement (2) 就业:同意和不同意(2)
下一篇: 1132. EMPLOYMENT: Certainty and Uncertainty (1) 就业:确定性和不确定性(1)