1132. EMPLOYMENT: Certainty and Uncertainty (1) 就业:确定性和不确定性(1)


A: I was thinking about applying for the new position. B: Do you think that is a good idea? A: It seems like a good idea but I am not really sure. B: What are your main concerns? A: It would give me a chance to grow, but I am wondering if I would like the job. B: I know what you mean, I've thought about that myself. A: I also am thinking about the pay. B: Could you take a slight pay decrease for a chance to move forward? A: Yes, it might be worth it. I am not certain. B: I think I'm convinced that trying for this position is the best choice for you.

上一篇: 1131. EMPLOYMENT: Agreement and Disagreement (3) 就业:同意和不同意(3)
下一篇: 1133. EMPLOYMENT: Certainty and Uncertainty (2) 就业:确定性和不确定性(2)